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What to expect if you are planning a visit

Sunday 10:30 AM
Wednesday 7:00 PM

At each gathering of Harpeth Baptist Church we strive to bring glory to God through a focus on His Word. We Sing the Word, Pray the Word, Read the Word, and Preach the Word.

Each Lord’s Day you can expect hymn singing, prayers, Scripture reading, doctrinal confession (1689), and expository preaching of the Word of God. Our pastor preaches verse by verse through the books of the Bible.

  • Our goal is to have biblical worship.
  • We observe the Lord's Supper on the 1st Sunday.

We encourage families to worship together. A nursery is available for children under 3. We acknowledge that it is a growth process for children to gain self-control and appreciation for the worship of God and we support parents in this training process.

We have Discipleship groups at 9:30 am on Sunday and 6:00 pm on Wednesday. We have home groups on Sunday evenings. Check out our groups page for more information.

Many people struggle with what clothing to wear to worship. Do I have to wear a suit or dress? We do not have a dress code. Some dress up, others dress casual.

Expositional Preaching

9 Marks of a Healthy Church

Congregational Singing

What Is Congregational Singing, and Why Is It So Important?