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Greetings from Arequipa,
"For Thou art my rock and fortress; therefore, for Thy name’s sake lead me, and guide me.”  Psalm 31:3   We know God is always in the details, He goes before us and walks beside us.  Deuteronomy 31:6&8  Still, there are sometimes we see God’s hand leading and directing us in an even clearer way.  That’s how we felt during our month in the States.  Your prayers were felt and God’s guidance was evident each day.  While it was hard to see our family members suffering, we were thankful God orchestrated the timing of our being there just at that very time.   We were able to help Melanie’s mom move from the hospital to rehab and then eventually in with Melanie’s sister, Valerie.   Mom sort of casually told us she’d be moving in with Valerie and that we could just start packing up her things while we were living in her apartment.   Again, we were so thankful God allowed us to help during that transition.   
Ben and Gigi’s wedding was near Tampa, Florida and that time was filled with blessings as well.  The wedding and the events surrounding it were so special.  Thankfully, Bekah was able to fly down from Iowa to be one of the bride’s maids in the wedding party.  Having a couple days with her was wonderful!  We were able to meet Gigi’s family and enjoyed getting to know them a little.  Giselle is the youngest of six children in a family of believers.  It’s a busy household when everyone is there.  They’ve showed a lot of love to Ben, welcoming him into their family.  Dave’s brother Tim, and wife Barb and niece and nephew attended the wedding.  As a special surprise, Tim brought their Aunt JoAnn who turns 90 this month.  Our dear friends Deidra Brown and Dwayne and Linda Melton also celebrated the special day with us.  
At the same time, Dave’s sister and husband and Dave’s dad weren’t able to attend as Dad had fallen three times.  That resulted in a hospital stay that wasn’t a very good experience.  As the Lord continued to guide us, He provided for us to fly to NY and spend 4 days there.  The timing was incredible as Dad just returned from the hospital the day we arrived.  He was weak and certainly needed the extra help.  Being with Dad, the family in Western New York and attending one service with our sending church was certainly something God orchestrated.  We’re still thanking the Lord for making that possible.  
The Hope of Life Baptist Church continues to grow and our time together as a church family grows more special.  The faith of individuals such as a dear widow, Ayde is growing.  She told Melanie how she’s learning to always be joyful in the Lord.  One day she only made four dollars selling her fruit.  She was disappointed at first until she remembered that all she had was from God.  She would keep a thankful heart!  The adolescents are also growing in their understanding of the Gospel by faith opposed to a works based religion that they grew up with.  It’s exciting to see their faces light up as truths hit home.  Please continue to pray for those serving in this ministry with us:  David Puma, Renee Paco & Viviana, Milagros and Gery, German, Erika, Miriam, Julio, and Angela.  
As well there have been some very delicate and sad cases coming into the Worthy of Life Prenatal Center.  What a blessing to share God’s truth of hope and healing!  Of course, we know the healing process often takes time.  Outside of Christ, we are left to ourselves with the world’s philosophy of “Believe in yourself” and “Love yourself” but when we look inside ourselves to see our own sin and brokenness, this is a weak solution at best.  Perhaps that why we see anxiety, bitterness, and depression on the rise.  To look to the One Who is perfect in holiness, love, truth, grace, freedom from sin’s slavery, and abundant in hope gives us the rock solid foundation that will not fail in the storms of life. Matthew 7:24-29.  
Wednesday, Deidra and Candi will arrive and stay with us for a week.   They are coming with hearts to share and serve in a variety of ways.  We are also working at preparations for a medical team coming with Deidra in February.  We’re asking God to make us sensitive to His guidance this coming week.   Deidra has made a daily prayer guide (below) that you can follow and pray with us.  
Please continue to pray that God will use us to make faithful disciples here in Arequipa, Peru for the glory of His name.
Thank you so much for vital role you play.  We know we are not serving alone.  May the Lord bless and guide you as you serve Him where you are, eagerly awaiting HIs coming and taking advantage of every opportunity to shine His light.
Rejoicing in HIs faithfulness,
Dave and Melanie Woodard
“Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock. And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.”   Matthew 7:24

This is an address change from last year.  
Due to IRS regulations, ABWE is no longer able to process personal gifts (Christmas, birthdays, 
etc.) If you would like to send a personal gift, please send your check directly to this address: 
David Woodard 116 Wittjen Ct.  Wetumpka, AL  36092       
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