Giving is of great importance in today’s world. It was also important in the days of the Old and New Testaments. Giving has always been an important virtue. There are many people in our world today that give-humanitarians and philanthropists-but many of them are not giving in the name of the Lord. It should burden us as God’s people that the world and its philosophies are the ones giving to those in need. When disaster strikes a nation or country, the United States is always quick to send aid and help; but how much more effective would it be if Christians were to take part in that and help those people and show them God’s love? If one were to ask them why they help, that would be a great opportunity to share the Love of Christ with them. Our focus verses (Deut. 14:29, 15:7-11, 16:11, 14) all taught the Israelites to give to the poor, the stranger, the fatherless, the widows…God wants His people to be a giving people. Is there someone in need that could use a little encouragement? Someone who could use a helping hand? You can give the gift of a kind word. The gift of a smile. Just for today, share God’s love with someone who needs it. “…because that for this thing the Lord thy God shall bless thee in all thy works, and in all that thou puttest thine hand unto” (Deut. 15:10b).