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Reading: Leviticus 25-27

Planning for later is not always easy. The family saving money for a large purchase, the dieter avoiding a tempting chocolate éclair when supper is approaching (well, maybe we should scratch that illustration), or the athlete working on fundamental drills when he would rather be scrimmaging. Many times, good things in our life require some amount of preparation. Planning can be less than fulfilling because the gratification is always delayed. However, to meet the goal that you have set for the future, it requires planning for today.  

Just for today, I will realize that I need to plan for the future. The children of Israel were required to let the land rest in the seventh year, but to do so, they had to store up and plan in the harvesting years. There will be times when we will have to go to our store house-if we find it full, we will be thankful that we took the time to be prepared.

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