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Partners in Christ,

We’ve been back in Brazil for three months and it only now feels like things are back to normal. Jonathan has had daily meetings with pastors and church planters, Erin has been able to connect with a new group of women, and the kids are back into homeschooling after a year in “real” school. All in all, we are energized for what lies ahead. Although I say it all the time, I’ll say it again: We are asking God for a gospel movement in every least-reached community of the SouthernmCone in our generation. We characterize a gospel movement as the progressive work of the Holy Spirit in gospel proclamation, disciple multiplication, community engagement and church planting. In all of that, our primary ministry focus is to develop ministry leaders who multiply disciple makers that start and strengthen churches in their communities. That energized me and keeps me excited for what lies ahead. I hope it does you as well. Thank you for your partnership in ourmlives and ministry.

In Christ Alone,

Jonathan and Erin Mathews

1 Comment

Chance Strickland 4 months ago

So glad they are back home and going about the Father’s business!!

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